The tales of an American girl living in Hyderbad, India

Friday, December 01, 2006

News from here and home

The last couple days have been kind of stressful and I think my body is rebelling. I feel achy and flu-like and had to stay home and spend the day sleeping in bed. If I still feel like this tomorrow I'll probably have to go to a doctor. Blech. Tonight is the holiday party, so I really want to make an appearance in my sari but I don't think I'll be able to stay long.

On a very cute note, this week I have Liz from Mountain View here training the team (I feel so badly for the state I'm in!), and what did she show up with in India but a bag of little surprises from Matt! I have the awesome-est boyfriend ever.

This bag looks familiar, by the way ;) . I'm visiting Mateo 3 weeks from today -- it'll be so awesome to say "Two weeks and X days" starting tomorrow!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Suzie

I am BILIGIRI RANGA, doing a write up on expatriates in Hyderabad, INDIA for a city based magazine PRISM, (10+ year old mag) .

I am keen to solicit your help for my write up.

Hope u would be kind enough to help me out in this regard.

I look forward to an early e mail from u with contact details

my e mail id -

5:12 AM


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